Viasat Internet Deals: Find Satellite Internet Services and Deals in Your Area
The first Internet ready satellite for consumers was launched Sept. 27, 2003 by Eutelsat Satellite communications are affected by moisture and various forms of precipitation (such as rain or snow) in the signal path between end users or ground stations and the satellite being utilized. This interference with the signal is known as rain fade. The amount of time during which service is lost can be reduced by increasing the size of the satellite communication dish so as to gather more of the satellite signal on the downlink and also to provide a stronger signal on the uplink. In other words, increasing antenna gain through the use of a larger parabolic reflector is one way of increasing the overall channel gain and, consequently, the signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio, which allows for greater signal loss due to rain fade without the S/N ratio dropping below its minimum threshold for successful communication.Modern consumer-grade dish antennas tend to be fairly small, which reduces the rain margin or increases the required satellite downlink power and cost. However, it is often more economical to build a more expensive satellite and smaller, less expensive consumer antennas than to increase the consumer antenna size to reduce the satellite cost, as the antenna cost reduction is magnified through economies of scale whereas any reduction of the satellite cost is not. Typically a completely clear line of sight between the dish and the satellite is required for the system to work. In addition to the signal being susceptible to absorption and scattering by moisture, the signal is similarly impacted by the presence of trees and other vegetation in the path of the signal. The radio signal width between any two antennas is not perfectly straight and uniform, as if it were a beam of light. Instead as the signal propagates away from the transmitting antenna, it widens towards the centerpoint between the two antennas and then narrows again as it approaches the receiving antenna. Two-way satellite Internet service involves both sending and receiving data from a remote very-small-aperture terminal (VSAT) via satellite to a hub telecommunications port (teleport), which then relays data via the terrestrial Internet. The satellite dish at each location must be precisely pointed to avoid interference with other satellites. Some providers oblige the customer to pay for a member of the provider's staff to install the system and correctly align the dish. Satellite internet customers range from individual home users with one PC to large remote business sites with several hundred PCs. Home users tend to use shared satellite capacity to reduce the cost, while still allowing high peak bit rates when congestion is absent. There are usually restrictive time-based bandwidth allowances so that each user gets their fair share, according to their payment. When a user exceeds their allowance, the company may slow down their access, deprioritise their traffic or charge for the excess bandwidth used. For consumer satellite internet, the allowance can typically range from 200 MB per day to 25 GB per month. A shared download carrier may have a bit rate of 1 to 40 Mbit/s and be shared by up to 100 to 4,000 end users. The uplink direction for shared user customers is normally time division multiple access (TDMA), which involves transmitting occasional short packet bursts in between other users (similar to how a cellular phone shares a cell tower). ViaSat-1, the highest capacity satellite in the world, was launched Oct. 19, 2011. With 140 Gbit/s total throughput capacity, the new satellite services the Viasat Internet service, with download and upload speeds much faster than anything previously offered in the satellite industry. In early 2013, the technology is also scheduled to begin delivering this new level of service to airline passengers aboard JetBlue Airways and one other carrier, according to ViaSat. Viasat Internet by ViaSat is celebrating it's one-year anniversary of its Internet service launch. Viasat residential broadband service’s first year of operation reached more than 290,000 subscribers. Comparison for Viasat12 areas only. Comparison is based on published speed of Viasat12 service and 3.1 Mbps average DSL service as reported by the FCC study of US broadband performance.
[*]Disclaimers Service is not available in all areas. Minimum 24 month commitment. One-time set-up fee of $149.99 and $9.99/month equipment lease fee plus monthly service fees and taxes apply. Actual speeds will vary. Use of the Viasat Internet service is subject to data transmission limits measured on a monthly basis. Offer may be changed or withdrawn at any time. For complete details and the Data Allowance Policy, visit www.Viasat Internet. com. Viasat Internet is a service mark of ViaSat, Inc. ViaSat, the ViaSat logo, WildBlue and the WildBlue logo are registered trademark and service marks of ViaSat, Inc. 1-Comparison for Viasat Internet12 areas only. Comparison is based on published speed of Viasat Internet12 service and 3.1 Mbps average DSL service as reported by the FCC study of US broadband performance. View Document. 2-Non-standard installations may result in additional charge. 3-Please review the Data Allowance Policy for more details |
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